Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Descriptive Short Essay Essay Example for Free
Descriptive Short Essay Essay Living in the city is hard, especially for those who were born in the country or subberbs. in the city there crowded streets, huge supermarkets, crammed subways and polluting factories. I was born in delaware then i moved to the suburbs of virginia, so I dont know first thing about heavy traffic, however, i had lived in seoul the capitol of korea. I loved seoul, but sometimes it becomes too much, and I just have to escape from the noise to free my mind from all the routine worries, to clear my thoughts and remind myself that despite how difficult and challenging life can get. i think everyone would need a break from the crazy pace of living in a huge city. however I ask myself where the best place to do this or how where is the nearest super market, did not have to think for more than a second. My favorite spot in seoul was the mountain we lived close to, with its long dirt trails that I really enjoyed walking up, passing jungles of trees and bushes and overgrown bushes that they make you believe you have escaped the city completely and are somewhere in the middle of a real rich forest. I love to clim up to the top and look down at the city. on one side was the city, and on the other was this valley, it reminded me views of the Scottish hills you can sometimes see in the movies, with white, puffy dots of sheep, and lonely, chunky trees. there was this river that ran down the mountain, it was all ways freezing cold and during the one fall i spent there me and my friends and gone miniature cliff diving. the water was cold and clear and felt great against my skin, the only down side the the cutting coldness.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Premature Infancy Essay -- Babies Birth Early Premature Essays
Premature Infancy      Premature babies, otherwise known as preterm babies, or preemies, are babies that are born earlier than the full-term of thirty-eight to forty-two weeks of pregnancy. These babies are generally born between the twentieth and thirty-eighth week. Almost 250,000 babies, nearly seven percent of newborns, are premature(Golant 4). Prematurity, even with all the advances in technology, is still a major cause of fetal and neonatal death. Actually, around seventy- five percent of perinatal deaths are due to a number of problems associated with prematurity(Freeman 232). Premature babies are very weak and defenseless, and need to be hospitalized. One reason for this is that a baby may become startled into shock by a loud sound or even bright light. This occurs because many babies have fully-developed senses and underdeveloped organs, which may become a problem, since the brain may not be developed well enough to be able to distinguish these different senses, which causes the baby to panic and lose control of its actions.      The main underdeveloped parts of a premature baby are its organs, chiefly the lungs and the brain. The lungs are developed in the last few weeks of pregnancy, and if the child is born before the thirty sixth week, he/she may require some special attention. Usually, the child is monitored closely for the first few weeks of its life, in order to make sure there is no problems with the breathing or any other function of its body. The premature baby will probably need supplemental oxygen to help it through the early stages, but rarely will it need an actual respirator or other life-supporting device on a full-time twenty four hour basis. In fact, giving the baby too much oxygen may complicate problems, such as damages to the eyes. This is caused by a over- abundance of oxygen in the blood stream, which in turn causes the blood vessels of the eye to expand, damaging the eye. This problem is one of the main concerns when bearing a pre-term baby versus a full-term baby.      Another difference, probably the most noticeable one, is the size and weight of the baby. A preemie will look thin and helpless, and will also have transparent skin. Blood vessels, veins and bones are sometimes visible through the skin of these babies. This is because the skin of a premature baby is very fragile and tend... ... eight to forty two weeks, and must get rid of the children from the uterus in order to return the body to normal and prevent any injuries from occurring inside the mother's womb.      Many advances are occurring everyday which enable mothers to feel safer with the care of premature babies. New drugs are being developed and new methods are being tested to ensure the security of a preemie, enabling the rate of deaths and the rate of premature babies born to both be lowered. As recently as 1986, premature babies had a much lower chance of survival, and with the help of experts, this factor has been greatly reduced. Hopefully, by the time our generation or our children's generation begins to think about bearing children, there will not be much of a risk of having a premature baby. Works Cited Freeman, Roger, and Pescar, Susan. "Safe Delivery: Protecting Your Baby During High-Risk Pregnancy. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1982. Golant, Susan and Ludington, Susan. Kangaroo Care The Best You Can Do To Help Your Preterm Infant. New York: Bantam Books, 1993. Griesemer, Bernard and Pfister, Fred. The Littlest Baby. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice- Hall Inc., 1983.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Old Smoke Case Study
Their were some who would watch the every move of a supervisor or manager, hoping that they do or say something wrong, just so they can go and tell their boss. This was done with the intentions hoping to get them in trouble or possibly even terminated. All of this is a product of the cultural environment we work in. Describe the policy on smoking that you would recommend to Redwood Associates. The Implications of the work ethic for the future of American business are Imminent. A vast number of employees reject the very Idea of hard work and long hours.They believe In taking shortcuts or getting something done without much effort, usually by having someone else do it. If the task was a priority for upper level management or the individual would gain some type of recognition for its accomplishment that was the time in which maximum effort was applied. Other than that, most employees would just cruise through the Job stuff and wait for the big score. These are Just a few of the implicat ions that are drastically affecting business n America today.Explain how this case would change if what bothers Darlene is not old smoke but the smell of Lice's perfume or Franks body odor. It Is more reasonable to expect workers to be more devoted to their Jobs, more concerned with quality and customer service; especially with the state of today's economic situation in this country. For one, it is the right thing to do, regardless of now one may Tell auto management or ten JODI Tort Tanat matter. Second, you can not expect to get paid for doing nothing.If you take care of the customer, provide a quality product with service, you retain a regular patron, help the company earn a profit and in the end, probably maintain long term employment. Finally, we all have a moral obligation to do what is right and Just. Explain whether it is fair or reasonable for companies to ban employees from smoking in their cars in the company parking lot. The culture of the work environment and peer press ure are significant reasoning behind employee theft. Some employees want to be accepted or fit in with their co- workers.Some of them do not believe that they are paid enough. They would steal from the company to gain acceptance or use it as a means of getting over. They fail to envision the affect revenue loss has on the company as a result of employee theft. It is not my stuff. It belongs to the company. I Just work here is the mentality that most employees have. However, if the company or business was ran by them, a family member or someone they knew, they would not allow theft to occur. They would want someone to report it. References Insert References Here: (Cheesy)
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Comparing Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle and...
Parallels in Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle and Americas War of Independence The story of Rip Van Winkle is well known throughout American culture. As one of Americas most popular short stories, few school children have not heard of Rip Van Winkles twenty-year slumber or imagined his long, gray beard. In the telling and re-telling of this mysterious tale, the original context of the story itself has, for the most part, been forgotten. Few Americans are aware of how the story originated, and in what context it was first presented to the public. Rip Van Winkle first appeared as a part of Washington Irvings The Sketch Book. This was a collection of various short works, ideas, thoughts, and pictures. Rip van Winkle†¦show more content†¦She becomes frustrated, and at times unbearably irate, when Rip fails to meet up to her expectations. Her verbal lashings are of such an intolerable nature as to drive Rip out of the house, wanting only to escape. Dame Van Winkle can be compared to Great Britain in that Great Britain also had certain expectations o f the colonies during this time. For the colonists to deny their obligations to the Crown was not only highly frustrating but also insulting. The anger of Great Britain, however, eventually manifested itself in something more than just a verbal lashing. Irvings portrayal of Rip Van Winkle was most likely written with his English audience in mind. Rip is lazy and undisciplined, constantly avoiding his duties to his wife and family. One interpretation of Rip is that he is ...just as unsophisticated and vulgar as the British reading public required him to be (Barbarese 601). Irving was certainly trying to impress English readers, and Rips part in the story as a symbol of the colonies role in the British-American relationship definitely fits the English perception. Another characteristic of Rip, however, seems to give a more favorable account of the attitude of the colonists. Rip Van Winkle is also portrayed as of those happy mortals, of foolish, well-oiled dispositions, who...if left to himself, he would have whistled his life away in perfect
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